Monday, December 29, 2008

Skating Night

Tonight was skating night. Marlene reserved the skating rink for an hour and a half. I hadn't been on ice for around fifteen years. I must say ice skating is a lot more fun than rollerblading.

But i had to hurt myself. I banged my nose on the ice and got a cut on my nose and a Guinness World Records size nosebleed on top.

It was all part of the adventure. Lots of fun!!!



Beth said...

Freeze on Ice! You beat me with that ice... I don't think I ever ice skated. Looks like you had fun! How are you healing?

Canada looks good on you.

Shout out to Elf when you see her

Beth said...

Oh just also please please do some trick to Edward... I just caught up that he is the voice in the movies...