Thursday, November 22, 2007


This is the season of giving. Might have to give myself some of these.

1. Get my car fixed

2. Sound system for car

3. New cell phone

4. Haircut

5. Camera (tired of sharing one with John)

Don't think i have to mention the food. That supposed to be included. I hope the Christmas lights i got last year for my lil sisters still good. I'm to stingy to buy new ones every year. A Christmas tree...............nope, no can do. I am after all a Mennonite (sometimes when convenient).

Anybody still got gift money left over? Follow this link for opportunities to buy more gifts.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I am not a real photographer. I don't have the patience, time, camera, skill, heck i hardly have the interest. But this one i like. Notice the rain drops on the hibiscus.

caution: Not to be compared with the professionals!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's Catching

Attitudes are contagious. Is your's worth catching?

I'll admit sometimes we're under the weather because of certain circumstances. But when we find ourselves constantly in a negative state of mind, I think it's time to do some reflection and analyzing (talking to myself). What's the use of worrying over things that we can't control.

I was inspired by the positive vibes of a friend. Reading or hearing something positive in the morning can just brighten ones day.
I affect people I come in contact with. How different would this world be if we tried to affect everybody else positively.

Wonder if I can keep up the positiveness through the last five weeks of this semester?