Thursday, November 22, 2007


This is the season of giving. Might have to give myself some of these.

1. Get my car fixed

2. Sound system for car

3. New cell phone

4. Haircut

5. Camera (tired of sharing one with John)

Don't think i have to mention the food. That supposed to be included. I hope the Christmas lights i got last year for my lil sisters still good. I'm to stingy to buy new ones every year. A Christmas tree...............nope, no can do. I am after all a Mennonite (sometimes when convenient).

Anybody still got gift money left over? Follow this link for opportunities to buy more gifts.


Domanick Fabro said...

new cell phone should be on top of the list... haha.

Beth said...

Car fixed is in the right place... I know what you are talking about.

Sound system too... it get lonely driving a lone. I sometimes sing to nothing.

Christmas? What's that? I am going to avoid that as much as much as possible.

Tracy Tillett said...

I think your car does need fixing, and that cell phone does need replacing.

C'mon, get new xmas lights, lol.

Leonardo Melendez said...

No books on this side. Hey I know where you can get free haircuts. Not a ghetto barbershop, I promise. [mischievous laugh]

Beth said...


I am serious

Admin said...

It's true the car does need fixing, but it is after all just a means to get from point A to point B. A couple of dents in the hood don't affect that.
I did have to buy a new battery though. So no more crossing my fingers when starting in the mornings.

@leonardo Free haircuts?

If something is free it probably is free for a reason. I don't trust free things. lol

Beth said...

Why does Leo not want books?